25 maj 2010


Hi my name is Clara, I am 6 years old. This is my favorite toy, do you have a teddy bear too? I like this one so much because I got it when my old one disappeared. I got it from my mom. I call her Nallisa (the Swedish name for teddy bear is Nalle).

My i Pod

Hi my name is Lilly, I am soon 8 years old. I like my ipod because you can listen to music and play games on it too. I got it from Santa Clouse at Christmas eve. Do you have a ipod yourself?

20 maj 2010

Arams Toy

Hollow my name is Aram. I am 7 years old. My mobil phone is my favorite Toy because I got it the day before yesterday. My mother gave it to me so my she can call me if she wants to tell me something. I can call people and play games and text people. I will also be able to listen to music. I like it very much and I keep it in my pocket so I don´t drop it and so that it won´t get stolen.

What is you favorite Toy? Aram

Felix Toy

Hallow my name is Felix. I am 8 years old. my feverit toy is my jeep. It is fast and cool. i have had it for 1 year. I got it as a Christmas gift from my dad.

What is your favorite Toy? Bye from Felix

19 maj 2010

My diary

Hello my name is Niki, I am 9 years old. Mi diary is my favorite toj. My great grand moder gave it to me. I write in it everi day. I write about things det happens during the day. I hope that I get an answer from a frend.


18 maj 2010

Hannahs favorite Toy

Hi my name is Hannah. I am 7 years old. My favorite toy is my cat. Her name is
Miss. Cuddle-Berry. I have had it for 2 years. I play with it a lot when I come home after school and after I have done my home-work.


Sarahs Toy

Hello my name is Sarah! And I am ten years old!!!
My favorite toy is a Bilderbear. I like this toy because I can dress it with cloths and
Bring it any were I want to! I can have a lot of fun with it!!!!!

What is your favorite Toy? / SARAH

my favorite Toy

Hi my name is Nicholas. I am 9 years old I like my football because I like this sport.
I get my football 2 years ago. I play with my football every day. I like to play
play match with team I don’t play goalkeeper.

What is your favorite toy? / Nicholas.

17 maj 2010

Guinea pig

Hi my name is Philippa I am 9 years old. My favorite toy is a guinea pig. I like to play with it at home. Its fun because it can move by it self.
What’s your best toy?
Kind regards Philippa.


Hello! My name is Lovisa. I am 9 yers old. I brought my Teddy because he is a very nice Teddy. He is my favorite toy. I call him MN. I have had him since march. It is my litel sesters klots.

Wot is jor fevrit toj?

Radiostyrd helikopter

Hello my name is Johan. I am 7 years old. My favorite Toy is my helicopter. It can fly and it can fly higher than other toys. It was my birthday this Saturday and I got it as a present. It was thebest present. I had another one before but it broke. I fly with it almost every day.

What is your favorite toy? Bye johan

12 maj 2010

Soft Toy

Hello my name is Olivia. I am seven years old. My favorite toy is my soft toy. It is a little leopard. My father brought it to mi from Africa. I have had it for one year. I have it when I sleep with it every night. I take it with me when I go on vacation.

What is your favorite toy?

Kind regards Olivia

Claras Toy

Hi mine name is Clara. I am eight years old. My favorite toy is my Tiger. His name is JoejoeT. It protects me when I sleep. Sometime we play that we are warriors and then he is my horse. I won him last autumn at Liseberg – it’s a big Funfair in Gothenburg.

What is you favorite toy?

11 maj 2010


Hello my name is Moad. I am 6 years old. I like my football because football is a great sport. I
like to play match in teams. I like to play on the field not be a goalkeeper. I play almost every break at school.
Do you like football? What is your favorite toy?

Kind regards Moad

10 maj 2010


Hi my name is Armita. I am 9 years old. My favorite toys are books, but I couldn’t bring all of them, so instead I brought bookmarks. I like them because you can exchange with friends, and they look beautiful when you put them in scrapbooks. It´s like having small photos of things you like. My sister likes Hello Kitty but I prefer Barbie.